Synergie Skin

What is the Synergie Skin difference?

Synergie Skin is a leading manufacturer of Australian-made, certified cruelty free, cosmeceutical skincare and mineral makeup. Harnessing a ‘clean science’ philosophy means that all Synergie products are ethically made and free from questionable or potentially harmful ingredients.

Does Synergie Skin use only natural and organic ingredients?

Unfortunately, the term ‘natural’ and organic’ is used too loosely in the cosmetic industry. Natural is not always best and it is important to understand the concept of ‘natural’ in our industry and realise that natural ingredients can be extremely harmful. Arsenic, for example, is 100% natural but less than 1/8th of a teaspoon can be fatal. The beautiful oleander shrub can be organically grown but may result in cardiac arrest if the leaves or flowers are ingested! Lead is also a natural element and is highly toxic to the human body. There have been recent concerns about unacceptable traces of lead present in certain lipsticks.

There are chemical additives (both natural and synthetic) that can be harmful to cells when allowed to accumulate over time. This is why Terri has trademarked her ‘clean science’ philosophy. It is often as important what you don’t put on your skin as what you do.

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